How to Use PACTA?

There are various ways in which PACTA can be applied to financial portfolios. The tool to analyze listed equities and corporate bonds is available for free online and can be used by anyone to analyze an investment portfolio. To analyze corportate lending portfolios, banks can download the stand alone desktop version of PACTA.

Finally, we also works with governments and supervisors to apply PACTA either through bespoke projects or though a concerted effort such as through our PACTA COP projects. Please see more information on these three options below.

Applying PACTA online for corporate bonds and equities

Any individual or financial institution with an investment portfolio (listed equities and corporate bonds only) can run climate scenario analysis via for free at any time. Types of users include investors, representatives of financial institutions, researchers, etc. A sample portfolio is available on the website if you would like to test the tool.

How to use PACTA tool

Corporate lending

PACTA's scope of application has been extended to corporate lending. Banks can now access the desktop version of the PACTA software and the free data set on

PACTA COP Participants

PACTA COP is a coordinated participation in PACTA analysis among governments, financial institutions (public/private), banks, supervisory authorities, pension funds and insurance companies. Participating financial institutions

Last updated